Today was a great day!


Oh my lovelies, today it finally happened. I got my first child doing the horn sign.

While stuck in rush hour traffic in Mineappolis, I happened to look over a see this shy child looking at me. I gave a smile and waved and she hesitantly waved back. I Then put my hand on my air horn cord, smiled bigger and nodded over to her. She smiled and made the sign and “TOOT TOOT” I went. Ok, sure, I prompted her but she still played along with me. Her resulting smile was completely worth it and my grin was ear to ear.

It only took three months but the wait was certainly worth it.

In other awesome news today, my daughter has picked a path in her life and will soon be enrolling in Massage School. I plan on giving her lots of business because….massages!

I knew today would be a grand day since it started out wonderfully when I got to have breakfast with my bestie in Madison but man it just got better and better.

I deliver the current load I have in St Cloud, MN, then I will take another quick load to Chicago and then I’m headed back up to Madison for the weekend. I will be able to see my son and see Deadpool 2 with him, get to celebrate my besties 40th and make her ugly cry with her present (Liz, it’s totally going to happen. Just you wait!)

I’ve actually had a bit of downtime this month. I took Mothers Day weekend off in Tampa with my sister from another mister, Jessi. I’ve known her since 1997 and while we’ve always been close, we’ve routinely gone years without seeing one another. With this job, I get to see her all the time and it makes my heart glad.

Previous to that I spent a couple of days with my daughter Morgan and that girl always manages to fill my heart to the brim.

The other thing I get to see with this job is some really strange sites. Things that really make you go “hmmmmm”.

From accidents that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.

(That looks like an expensive screw up. Speed kills people…)

To “I wonder if they are missing that?”

Yes that is a Smurf in the grass median of the highway.

Then there was the “Did I really just see that?”

Dude was driving down the road with Chucky. I happened to be next to him at a stop light and yelled out “Dude, what’s with the Chucky?” He laughed and said “We’re out looking for his bride, you want the job?” I asked if I could take a picture and he held him up for me while we held up traffic. Hey, it had to be done.

It’s also been an expensive month as I finally got my windshield fixed. It took me some time to get into a terminal, but after I had a DOT officer comment that I wasn’t compliant I knew that I was pushing my luck. (No ticket was issued because…I don’t do tickets)

I also had a weird issue happen with my cattle guard. After opening my hood to do a Pretrip one morning, I wasn’t able to get it closed again. When I looked I noticed that the bottom bolt that the guard swivels on was broken off.

I ended up zip tying it together (zip ties are always your friend when traveling) and driving 5 miles down the road to the nearest TA to have it fixed. They were super nice and didn’t even charge me for it.

I’ve been noticing more and more that the color on my arms is really becoming noticably different so I’ve taken to sunning the right side whenever possible. I ussually just sit backwards in my chair and hang my arm out the window like this.

Yes, I do know I’m a dork. Thanks for noticing.

Spring is finally here all over the country and the drives are lovely and green.

I’m personally not a big fan of summer because I’ve never really cared for the oppressive heat (76 is hot to me) but its been really cool to watch the progression of the seasons all over the country.

I’m definitly looking forward to fall this year and being able to see the color explosion that happens. What comes after that isn’t awesome but hey, it will spring after that all over again.

Now that I’ve hit my three month mark, I really need a name for my truck. (Not Trucky McTruckface Kendra!) I’ve had a few names thrown at me here and there. Jess and Travis call it Large Marge and I applaud the nod to Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, but I don’t know…

So what do you think? Help me name my truck. Throw out your ideas.


One thought on “Today was a great day!

  1. Nancy L Jackson

    Hey girl! I love the many adventures of the girl! We would need to see a pic of your truck for inspiration. Stay safe and cool!


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